Having clarity in a pathway is a priority. Today, 4 out of 10 college freshmen will graduate in 4-years. Another 2 will graduate within 6-years. Many will change their majors 3x. Where will you fit?
We help students know why they are going to college and help them understand about paying for the pathway to success beyond graduation. Are you paying or investing in college?
No one wants to make the wrong choice. We use a proven process to develop a pathway that fits the student as a person to be successful. Are you ready to find clarity and build confidence?
The time and money lost when changing majors, not completing degrees, going extra years at college, and having shame about that is hard to overcome if there isn't a plan with purpose.
Here's how the program works
By using a system of tools to dig deeper into learning more about who your student is and how they are wired
Through research, your student sees true options that fit them, and not just a brand name they think they should fit into.
The system organizes a personalized plan on how and when to take steps on where the student is going and why
The 'To College, and Beyond' Facebook Group is a place to share your questions, concerns, celebrations, and more on how to help your child's journey to college and beyond. College can be an important step for young people to grow as a person and gain education to take them to the workplace. College is the what, a major is the how, but let's focus on their WHY to help them be more successful
Choose the self-guided option or dive deeper into a coaching program designed to hold the student accountable in taking true action for their future.
Gain Clarity with a Pathway Beyond Graduation
It is never too late for students to gain clarity.
"Before this program, I felt really confused and lost. Now I am so much more confident in what I want to do with my future." - Karmen
"I have so much more clarity in my Graduation Story, and I am confident and excited to share with others what I am passionate about." - Henry
GET STARTEDThe foundation for this podcast is to showcase jobs and professions that many people may not know, or really don't know what kind of work is done in those roles. Plus how to get to that job and more.
50% Complete
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