Amber Moore: Client Services, Former Aspiring Veterinarian (E.034)

podcast Nov 09, 2022
 Amber Moore is the Executive Director of Client Services for LIFTinnovate, a customer success consulting, research, and technology development firm.
Originally, Amber wanted to be a vet but decided to study business. After graduating with few job opportunities, she took a simple administration job she found on Craigslist at a consulting firm. Her hard work was quickly noticed, and she was hired and started moving up the ranks.
She traveled the world with her boss and followed him when he started his firm. That company was then merged with LIFTinnovate, where she is now an Executive Director.
Key takeaway— Always do your best because you never know who’s watching.
0:36   High school
2:40   College experience
6:04   First real-world job
9:00   Traveling and consulting
13:10   Following boss to a new firm
15:25   Merging with LIFTinnovate
23:23   Stepping into the leader role
25:26   Remote work
27:09   Advice ...
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Connor Lotz :Boeing Procurement Agent, Proposal Project Manager, Lifelong Learner (E.033)

podcast Nov 03, 2022
Connor Lotz participated in the CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies) program while attending high school in Kansas, which sparked an interest in banking.
He received a sizable scholarship and attended the University of Missouri-Columbia after sending a personal letter to the school. Before graduating, he was offered a position at Boeing as a procurement agent, purchasing aircraft parts. He has now been promoted to the position of proposal project manager. He is enrolled at Indiana University Kelly School of Business to begin a hybrid MBA program with a dual masters in strategic management.
Key takeaway/life skill— It doesn’t hurt to ask. Connor’s letter to the University of Missouri-Columbia admissions office saved him tens of thousands of dollars.
0:52   High school experience and CAPS
8:00   Deciding a college
15:00   Recruiter elevator speech
17:08   Boeing STAR method interview
19:25   Positions at Boeing
25:22   MB...
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Nate on One Spark Stories with Katie Currens. Quitting, Getting Fired, and Finding Purpose in Your Career

interview Nov 01, 2022

Over the last 25+ years, Nate has switched careers over seven times and knows many people's frustration in not finding purpose in their careers. We dig into this in a way that has yet to be explored, so if you are ready for the real deal on burnout, “quiet quitting,” and the cost of complying, this is for you. Nate has seen needs through his own story and now runs a business to ensure other students don’t have to learn the hard way as he did.  

Today he helps students of all ages and early and late-career professionals better identify "What they SHOULD do for a living." 

Episode Highlights:

  • When space camp enlightens you on the reality of career expertise

  • How getting fired is sometimes a blessing you needed

  • How students can have more control over their careers by exploring options in secondary education

Connect with Nate




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Megen DiSanto: Global Reputation Manager, Jerry Springer Intern, Editor (E.032)

podcast Oct 30, 2022

Megen DiSanto is the Senior Manager of Global Reputation Communications at Hyatt. Her love of writing and journalism has guided her diverse professional path. She interned for Jerry Springer and the Chicago Sun-Times in college. After ten years, she left her first job at OKW Architects to take a position as Executive Editor at Womanista, which CBS later acquired and renamed Pop Culture. She then worked in public affairs for Mcdonald's, and Hyatt now employs her.

0:45 High school and college 

1:55 Internship at Sun-Times 

3:55 After college 

4:50 Interning at Jerry Springer Show 

8:10 Value of internships 

10:20 First role after college 

13:35 Becoming Editor of Womanista in Nashville 

17:12 Working at McDonald’s in public affairs 

24:50 Current job at Hyatt

27:05 Advice to younger self 

Megen DiSanto


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Payne Schoen: Lawyer, Accountant, Professional and Executive Coach (E.031)

podcast Oct 26, 2022
Until he discovered professional coaching, Payne Schoen studied and worked in fields that didn’t resonate. He tried to work as an accountant and as a lawyer before realizing his passion for personal development. Now, he’s the Founder of Payne Schoen Consulting and guides professionals and leaders to achieve the unachievable.
1:05   Football and lawyer aspirations
4:30   Advice on accepting major
6:40   Finding the right job
9:44   Graduating in ’09
10:40   Personal and professional development
12:50   Professional coaching
16:00   John Wooden
20:10   Coaching clients
24:03   Who needs coaching
26:40   Connect with Payne
Payne Schoen, CPA
“The Inner Game of Te...
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Steven Rudolph: English Teacher to the Creator of tools that help “Feed Your Tiger” (E.030)

podcast Oct 21, 2022
"Feed your tigers" is a method developed by Steven Rudolph to assist people in finding occupations they enjoy. He moved to New York City to become a rock star but discovered that teaching English was his calling. He relocated to Japan, then to India, and now lives in Cambodia. He believes that by identifying your set of "tigers," you can choose or create a job that feeds your soul and brings deep happiness.
2:18   Rockstar aspirations in NYC
4:01   Teaching English
6:05   Three years in Japan
8:30   Identifying 19 tigers
13:08   Obstacles in alignment
17:24   What is success
19:25   Issues in the education system
21:46   Steven’s process
23:30   Get connected
25:45   Closing words
Stephen Rudolph
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Katie Currens: Disney College Program, Teacher, Consultant, Speaker, Podcast Host (E.029)

podcast Oct 13, 2022
As the founder and president of One Spark Solutions, Katie Currens offers clients tailored coaching and training to reignite their sense of purpose. While participating in the Disney College Program, Katie learned useful skills, but after graduation, she felt a little lost. She returned to school, obtained a master's degree, and became a teacher. Now, as an educational consultant,  she serves as a link between staff, students, and leadership.
0:50   High school
4:08   Social anxiety disorder and depression
4:50   Majoring in Communication in College
7:22   Disney college program
14:25   First job after graduation
17:15   Getting Masters
22:12   Leaving education
23:40   One Spark Solutions
26:25   Connect with Katie
Katie Currens
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Ian Evenstar: Design Educator, Branding Consultant, CEO & Founder, Author (E.028)

podcast Oct 06, 2022

Ian Evenstar is a design educator, branding consultant, and the CEO and Founder of UNINCORPORATED, the nation's #1 higher education agency. His upbringing in poverty motivated him to excel in school, earning him a full-ride scholarship to USC. Originally studying architecture, he switched to fine arts and pursued a career in design and branding. He continued to trust his gut and follow his dreams by starting his own agency and writing books. 

0:35 Inspired by a billboard 

2:40 Growing up low income 

5:40 Full ride to USC 

8:52 First art internship/job 

10:34 Returning to USC 

13:35 Jobs in design and art

15:40 Advice for aspiring artist 

17:20 Designing billiards and working at USC 

21:20 Founding Unincorporated

22:00 Making amends with father 

26:15 Ian’s books 


Ian Evenstar 




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Elizabeth Larrick: Trial Lawyer, Case Consultant, Witness Preparation Coach (E.027)

podcast Sep 27, 2022

Elizabeth is an attorney specializing in witness prep, focus groups, and trial consulting. She studied at the University of Oklahoma College of Law and worked as an Associate Attorney for three years. In 2015, she decided to work for herself and opened her law firm in Austin. She helps busy lawyers around the country with their case strategies and hosts a podcast called “Trial Lawyer Prep.”

0:55 High school, college, law school

4:55 Law internships 

8:05 Life of a lawyer 

9:55 Opening own firm 

13:45 Personal injury 

15:35 Unusual case 

17:15 Witness preparation coach 

19:30 Legal focus groups 

23:40 Advice for aspiring lawyers 

28:42 Trial Lawyer Prep Podcast 

 30:10 Connect with Elizabeth 

Elizabeth Larrick

Twitter @LarrickLawFirm


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Ashley Durham: Entrepreneur in Entertainment/Media Industry, Model, Tax Specialist (E.026)

podcast Sep 23, 2022
Malibash, a multimedia and entertainment hiring platform, and show, was founded and is run by Ashley Durham. 
Ashely has had various fascinating side jobs and careers in the entertainment industry. She professionally modeled and acted, did post-production, dipped into interior design, worked for Pier 1, and became a tax specialist. 
Her experience working in the cut-throat media and entertainment industry motivated her to start Malibash to help others enter the field safely and find success.
1:05 High school and college,
4:10 Interior design, modeling, acting
5:55 Life is short
8:32 Validation and stability
9:56 Side/survival jobs
12:30 Starting company
16:30 Entrepreneurship
27:10 Connect with Ashley
Ashley Durham
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