CA 001: Not Knowing. How 3 Questions Can Change Your Life with Mike Kim

podcast Aug 01, 2019
Presenting Sponsor of the Career Adventure Podcast
*The Motivators Assessment* Learn more about what really motivates you at What motivates me? Problem Solving, Learning, Developing Others, Pressure, Excitement, Impact, and Autonomy
This was one of the most exciting interviews I have been able to do in my career. 
I was introduced to the work of Mike Kim a few years back when I was looking to transition to a new path on my Career Adventure. His Brand You Podcast and a great download on career pivoting sucked me in.
Now many years later I had the chance to see Mike speak at the #socialrock event in Rockford, Illinois (below on the Rock River).  Then backstage I got a chance to meet him live and in-person to record this episode.
Mike launched his Brand You Bootcamp ( in the first part of the year and joining that and his Branding Collective group have helped my business fin...
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CA 000 - The Unofficial 1st Episode of the Career Adventure Podcast

podcast Jul 25, 2019
Presenting Sponsor of the Career Adventure Podcast
*The Motivators Assessment* Learn more about what really motivates you at What motivates me? Problem Solving, Learning, Developing Others, Pressure, Excitement, Impact, and Autonomy

Welcome aboard the Career Adventure Podcast. The show dedicated to changing the dynamic with parents, educators, and coaches in helping to guide students to a purposeful, prosperous and passionate life after graduation. 

(Listen to the entire episode)...

(Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Listen Notes, Radio Public, others...)

I believe that people should do work that motivates them and fits what they are wired to do.  And this show is designed to help you find that pathway to a successful Career Adventure. 

I'm your host Nate Clayberg, this is the unofficial first episode of the Career Adventure Podcast. 


 This is the prequel, the backstory on why I am doing this and where I am hoping t...

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What is your Career Background?

I was asked about my career background, and where I have worked, and I had to think about what to say. I found it interesting on how to answers it. Do I focus on my broadcasting experience, college athletics background, sales work, fundraising success, economic development career, education training or what? 

How would you answer that question? 

Finding motivation before major or vocation is a goal with CareerAdventure. Check out the Motivators Assessment at Connect with Nate if you want to learn more.

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3-2-1, Career Blast Off! Or Not...

When you start out in life as a young person, there are many people that ask you “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many will say teacher, doctor, firefighter, pro athlete, farmer, engineer, nurse, etc.  Me I was going to outer space.

As a young child, I always wanted to be an astronaut.  When Space Shuttle Columbia made its maiden voyage in 1981 I was obsessed with space.  How cool would that be to go into space on a rocket ship and land back safely on earth like an airplane?

I had an LP record (yes a vinyl record) that I listened to over and over again with the narration of the launch of STS-1 on April 12, 1981.  I could listen to Astronauts John Young and Bob Crippen talking to Mission Control. I thought it was so cool they could talk from space to Houston, Texas.

I made up my mind at age seven I was going to be an astronaut. Anytime I had a writing assignment for a class or an art project to make - it was going to be about space.

As my infatuation with NASA grew I fou...

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How can you find passion and purpose in a career?

I’m here to help you discover your career passion.

We get asked what job do we want when we are kids and when we get older too.  What about the job you should have? Being engaged in a career can lead to a meaningful all around life. 

Your career is yours to determine. The goal is to find a job you want to do, one you are wired to do and one that can lead growing meaningful career.

I’m here to help you create that plan for a meaningful career.

By using the data from proven assessment tools we can help make a certain career pathway that can be purposeful.  By measuring your motivators, personality type and career interest an answer can become pretty clear to find a passionate pathway too.

I’m here to help you prove that your career path choice is with purpose.

I personally have changed careers more times than I want to count.  Broadcaster, Salesperson, Graduate Student, Athletic Administrator, Fundraiser, Economic Developer, Entrepreneur, Trainer.....

My CareerAdventure brought me...

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