In this episode, I go way back to my first paid job as a Scorekeeper for little league baseball and take it all the way to my first full-time job as a Radio Program Director.
I thought this would be one episode, but it ended up being three episodes. The jobs featured in this episode:
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The That’s a...
An interview on Thrively with Paul Haluszczak. He interviews Nate Clayberg to learn how to make career exploration a regular part of the learning experience, how to form genuine business partnerships between schools and local businesses, and the impact this has on young people beyond their time in K-12 education.
To create career exposure opportunities, business leaders need to trust that having young learners in their workspaces will be fruitful. To prove that it will be fruitful, they need to have young learners in their workspaces. Nate Clayberg from the Center for Advanced Professional Studies knows how to break through this "chicken or the egg" paradox. Join him for an inspiring session on how anyone from classroom teachers to superintendents can take quick and meaningful steps to provide meaningful career opportunities for learners.
What you can expect from this webinar:
It's graduation season around the country and high school seniors are facing the "So, what's next?" question from well-intentioned adults.
In this episode of Lead Thru Values, Nate Clayberg and James discuss the power of experiences and connections that shape who we are... and who we become.
Nate Clayberg, CEcD, is a certified economic developer, broadcaster, marketer, and career navigator. He has spent his career helping others to solve problems and make connections for success.
Over the last 25+ years, Nate has switched careers over seven times and knows the frustration many people can have in not finding purpose in their career.
Today, through Cedar Valley CAPS and the Career Adventure Academy, he helps students of all ages and early and late-career professionals better identify "What work they are wired to do for a living." Nate is also active with his local community in Northeast Iowa. This includes involvement in his kid's school and activities.
He resides ...
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