TaJ? 007. Adam Viet's Adventure: NCAA Basketball, Personal Training, Insurance Call Center, IT Recruiter

career adventure podcast Apr 05, 2022
In this episode, we learn the pathway of a former NCAA College Basketball player to a world he never thought he would cross after sports. 

My friend Adam Viet and I met in the early 2000s while I was working at the University of Northern Iowa in Athletic Marketing, and Adam was coming off the bench to shoot 3-pointers for the Panthers.  
We connected back a few years ago when he found the world of employment recruitment after discovering that personal training (exercise science major) and a call center job in the insurance industry were not for him.
Adam will tell you that communication and being a proactive "go-getter" are what employers are looking for in today's job market.  He will give you tips in this episode on how to show that in an interview.
.The links to reference from this episode:
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TaJ? 006. Jennifer Lindsey's Adventure: Food Scientist. Sensory Scientist, Flavor Applications Tech, Global Marketing

podcast Mar 17, 2022

In this episode, we get to hear about a world of work that I would be confident in saying no one thinks much about, but you should.  
With almost 30 years of experience in the profession of Food Science, Jennifer Lindsey (VP Global Marketing at Corbion) charts through the process from going through college on a medical path to one day being a part of designing butter for movie theater popcorn and formulating methods for the ready to eat rice crispy treats.
She has found her energy and purpose in combining business and science in the work she does as it fits one of the key Physiological needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. She honestly says she is in her dream job using science to create benefits for our lives.
Her advice to people:  Never stop learning, make self-awareness a priority in knowing your weaknesses and strengths, be vulnerable and empathetic. This applies to any path you follow.
.The links to reference from this episode:
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TaJ? 005. Eric Engelmann's Adventure: Web Developer, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist

podcast Mar 05, 2022

In this episode, we get a lesson on how to spend rich people's money with Eric Engelmann.  Eric went from his plan of engineering to starting a business in web development and investing start-ups as a venture capitalist and mentor to entrepreneurs.  Plus his commitment to growing his business was rewarded with a trip around the world with his family. 
.The links to reference from this episode:
Continue to enjoy this journey, share, and subscribe to 'The That's a Job? Podcast' on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
The That’s a Job podcast is presented by Career Adventure Academy - Discover the work you are wired to do.
Let the Adventure Begin!
Connect with Nate Clayberg on Social Media:
This podcast is a need10 Media production
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TaJ? 004. Aaron Buzza's Adventure: Radio Sales, Sports Tourism, Film/ TV Tourism, Tourism Director

podcast Feb 26, 2022

In this episode, we get to know Aaron Buzza.  We go back to my days in college athletics at the University of Northern Iowa and his role in sports tourism. He relocated his family from Iowa to Macon, Georgia to attract people through sports and Film & TV production to that area.  We get to learn more about the job behind the scenes when it comes to bringing people to visit a community.  Even Ron Howard and his clementines.
.The links to reference from this episode:
Continue to enjoy this journey, share, and subscribe to 'The That's a Job? Podcast' on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
The That’s a Job podcast is presented by Career Adventure Academy - Discover the work you are wired to do.
Let the Adventure Begin!
Connect with Nate Clayberg on Social Media:
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TaJ? 003. My Adventure (3 of 3): Healthcare Fundraising - Economic Development - Entrepreneur - School Bus Driver

podcast Feb 13, 2022

 In this episode, I begin with life after being fired and find a whole new world of work away from broadcasting and athletics.  Two areas that I hold degrees in. On my way to finding my IKIGAI
.The jobs featured in this episode:
  • Business Travel Sales - Shorts Travel
  • Fund Development Coordinator - Sartori Health Care Foundation
  • Executive Director - Buchanan County Economic Development Commission
  • Director of Business Retention & Expansion - Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber (now Grow Cedar Valley)
  • Substitute School Bus Driver - Jesup Community School District
  • Announcer - J-Hawk Sports Network/ Heartland Technology
  • Announcer - ESPN3/ ESPN+ for UNI Women's Basketball & Softball
  • Host - J-Hawks On the Move
  • Entrepreneurship - need10 Solutions & Media
  • Future Bus Driver/ Boat Driver - Walt Disney World
When I started need10 Solutions it set the stage for me to become a consultant, contractor, business owner, and more.  C...
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TaJ? 002. My Adventure (2): Advertising, Office Equipment Sales - Radio Producer - Athletic Administration

podcast Feb 12, 2022

In this episode, I begin with my life after getting married and head to a new location, to start a new job. Let's just say it didn't go as planned.
The jobs featured in this episode:
  • Advertising Sales - AM 600 WMT Radio
  • Copier & Fax Sales - Shelton Technology
  • Announcer (PT) - Z102.9 KZIA Radio
  • Radio Show Producer, Sports Reporter - Sports Radio 910 WRNL Radio
  • Graduate Assistant (External), Broadcast Services, Women's Basketball Radio Play-by-Play - Virginia Commonwealth University Athletics
  • Assistant Director for Development and Marketing, Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing & Promotions - University of Northern Iowa Athletics
Continue to enjoy this journey, share, and subscribe to 'The That's a Job? Podcast' on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
The That’s a Job podcast is presented by Career Adventure Academy - Discover the work you are wired to do.
Let t...
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TaJ? 001. My Adventure (1 of 3): Scorekeeper - Groundskeeper - Grocery Clerk - Broadcast Board Operator

podcast Feb 11, 2022

 In this episode, I go way back to my first paid job as a Scorekeeper for little league baseball and take it all the way to my first full-time job as a Radio Program Director.  

I thought this would be one episode, but it ended up being three episodes.  The jobs featured in this episode:

  • Baseball Scorekeeper - Webster City Park & Rec
  • Weeding Bean Fields - Yungclas Farms (MISSED THIS ONE IN THE EPISODE)
  • Grocery Clerk - Hy-Vee
  • Sprinkler Crew, Concessions, Waterslide Life Gaurd, Maintenance Worker - Webster City Swimming Pool
  • Groundskeeper - Webster City School District
  • Radio Board Operator, Announcer, Misc - KQWC AM/FM Radio
  • Football Equipment Manager - Iowa State University Athletics
  • Program & Sports Director, Morning Show host - Local News Radio AM 1590 KWBG Radio
  • Bartender - Boone Golf and Country Club

Continue to enjoy this journey, share, and subscribe to 'The That's a Job? Podcast' on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

The That’s a...

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How to Connect Learners With Business Professionals - from Thrively

Uncategorized Jan 30, 2022

An interview on Thrively with Paul Haluszczak. He interviews Nate Clayberg to learn how to make career exploration a regular part of the learning experience, how to form genuine business partnerships between schools and local businesses, and the impact this has on young people beyond their time in K-12 education.

To create career exposure opportunities, business leaders need to trust that having young learners in their workspaces will be fruitful. To prove that it will be fruitful, they need to have young learners in their workspaces. Nate Clayberg from the Center for Advanced Professional Studies knows how to break through this "chicken or the egg" paradox. Join him for an inspiring session on how anyone from classroom teachers to superintendents can take quick and meaningful steps to provide meaningful career opportunities for learners.

What you can expect from this webinar:

During this webinar, we will discuss how to make career exploration a regular part of the learning exper
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Lead Thru Values Podcast "So, what's next?" with guest, Nate Clayberg

value of networks May 13, 2021

It's graduation season around the country and high school seniors are facing the "So, what's next?" question from well-intentioned adults.

In this episode of Lead Thru Values, Nate Clayberg and James discuss the power of experiences and connections that shape who we are... and who we become.


Nate Clayberg, CEcD, is a certified economic developer, broadcaster, marketer, and career navigator. He has spent his career helping others to solve problems and make connections for success.

Over the last 25+ years, Nate has switched careers over seven times and knows the frustration many people can have in not finding purpose in their career.

Today, through Cedar Valley CAPS and the Career Adventure Academy, he helps students of all ages and early and late-career professionals better identify "What work they are wired to do for a living." Nate is also active with his local community in Northeast Iowa. This includes involvement in his kid's school and activities.

He resides ...

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CA 002: Being Honest with College Admissions with Jeff Selingo

podcast Oct 13, 2020
Discover what you are wired to do for a job, a career or a vocation. Go to www.nateclayberg.com/yourpath to discover your Purpose.
After a year away from this podcast I have returned with a special guest.  Author Jeff Selingo has written about higher education for two decades. He is the author of two New York Times bestsellers, a contributor to The Atlantic and the Washington Post, and a special advisor for innovation at Arizona State University. He also co-hosts the podcast, FutureU.
 In this podcast, we get deeper inside his experience embedded inside Emory, Washington and Davidson admissions offices, plus stories of the students he followed in their process of applying to their "dream" schools. 
We also discuss how colleges may change through and after the COVID19 pandemic, and how students and their families need to take more ownership in the "buying" process of college.  Much like we do for buying other high ticket items like cars and homes.
  • ...
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